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作者:   来源:      发布日期:2018-05-25   浏览:

岳航勃  Hangbo YUE 副教授




联系方式:  hangbo.yue@gdut.立博博彩.cn


ORCID http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2557-1427

ResearchGate: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hangbo_Yue

岳航勃,博士,副教授,立博博彩,广东工业大学青年百人计划A引进人才(2018)。取得马德里理工大学化学工程专业博士学位 (Cum Laude Honor)和西北工业大学材料学博士学位。曾获国家留学基金公派留学西班牙、马德里理工大学优秀博士论文奖、巴库世界青年科学家论坛奖、南粤优秀研究生、优秀党员、管理与服务优秀奖、优秀班主任、优秀工会积极分子等荣誉。主持多项科研基金项目(国家自然科学基金、广东省自然科学基金、国际合作基金、中国博士后科学基金等)。以第一作者/通讯作者在绿色化学化工及高分子材料化工领域的国内外权威学术刊物《立博体育|亚洲最大博彩平台》、《立博博彩》,Green Chemistry, Composites Science and Technology, Chemical Engineering Journal, Cellulose等发表论文30多篇;以第一发明人申请发明专利10项(5项授权)。国家自然科学基金和广东省自然科学基金评审/验收专家,《立博体育|亚洲最大博彩平台》编委,Royal Society of Chemistry和中国化工学会专业会员,国际可持续化学中心Circa Renewable Chemistry Institute和广东省植物资源生物炼制重点实验室成员;Advanced Materials, Green Chemistry, Carbohydrate Polymers, Industrial Crops and Products, Composites Science and Technology等期刊审稿人。


2022.1-至今  广东工业大学轻工化工学院化工系副主任

2018.5-至今  立博博彩,副教授

2021.1-2022.1 英国约克大学绿色化学卓越中心GCCE,国家公派访问学者(线上)

2016.4-2018.4  立博博彩,博士后

2011.9-2015.10  马德里先进材料研究院,研究助理

2011.9-2015.9  马德里理工大学,化学工程专业博士学位

2010.3-2016.3   西北工业大学,材料学专业博士学位

2012-2014  西班牙同步辐射电子加速中心ALBA、德国同步辐射电子加速中心DESY,研究人员


1. 2024.01-2027.12国家自然科学基金面上项目,50

2. 2023.09-2025.08 国际合作项目,50

3. 2022.01-2024.12 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,10

4. 2022.04-2023.09 企业横向课题委托项目,10

5. 2018.01-2020.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目,25

6. 2017.05-2020.05 广东省自然科学基金纵向协同项目,10

7. 2016.04-2018.04中国博士后科学基金,5

8. 2018-2023广东工业大学青年百人计划,20



1. 2021.1-2023.12广东省植物资源生物炼制重点实验室,300

2. 2015.01-2018.12国家自然科学基金面上项目,88

3. 2017.05-2020.05广州市科技计划国际合作项目,100

4. 2011-2015 欧盟玛丽居里第七框架Multifunctional Fibre Nanocomposites



[1] Yao, J.; Chen, Z.; Xu, C.; Chen, Y.; Guo, J.; Yue, H. * Cottonseed protein bioadhesive with high adhesion performance achieved by a synergistic dual-crosslinking strategy. Int. J. Adhes. Adhes. 2023, 127, 103514.

[2] Yue, H.; Mai, L.; Xu, C.; Yang, C.*; Shuttleworth, P.S.*; Cui, Y. Recent advancement in bio-based adhesives derived from plant proteins for plywood application: A review. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 2023, 33, 101143.

[3] Abdoul, H. J.; Yi, M.; Prieto, M.; Yue, H.; Ellis, G. J.; Clark, J. H.; Budarin, V. L.; Shuttleworth, P. S. *, Efficient adsorption of bulky reactive dyes from water using sustainably-derived mesoporous carbons. Environ. Res. 2023, 221, 115254.

[4] Yue, H.; Xu, C.; Yao, J.; He, M.; Yin, G.; Cui, Y.; Yang, C. *; Guo, J. *, Characterization and properties of plywood bioadhesive derived from cottonseed protein and sawdust cellulose. Cellulose 2022, 29, 5869-5881.

[5] Li, L.; Yue, H*; Wu, Q.; Fernández-Blázquez, J. P.; Shuttleworth, P. S.; Clark, J. H.; Guo, J. *, Unveiling the reinforcement effects in cottonseed protein/polycaprolactone blend biocomposites. Compos. Sci. Technol. 2022, 225, 109480.

[6] Song, M.; Liu, X.; Yue, H.; Li, S.; Guo, J.*, 4D printing of PLA/PCL-based bio-polyurethane via moderate cross-linking to adjust the microphase separation. Polymer 2022, 256, 125190.

[7] 岳航勃, 郑萍璇, 郑煜如, 邝柳尹, 张银, 李梁君, 郭建维*. 棉籽蛋白/剑麻纤维复合材料加工、界面与性能[J]. 化工学报, 2021, 72(3): 1750-1759

[8] Yang, C.; Yin, L.; Yuan, C.; Liu, W.; Guo, J.; Shuttleworth, P. S.; Yue, H. *; Lin, W. *, DPD simulations and experimental study on r立博博彩ction-sensitive polymeric micelles self-assembled from PCL-SS-PPEGMA for doxorubicin controlled release. Colloids Surf., B 2021, 204, 111797.

[9] Yue, H*.; Zheng, Y.; Zheng, P.; Guo, J.W.; Fernandez, J.P.; Clark, J.; Cui, Y. On the improvement of properties of bioplastic composites derived from wasted cottonseed protein by rational cross-linking and natural fiber reinforcement. Green Chemistry 2020, 22, 8642-8655.

[10] Wen, W.; Shuttleworth, P. S.; Yue, H. *; Fernández-Blázquez, J. P.; Guo, J. *, Exceptionally Stable Microporous Organic Frameworks with Rigid Building Units for Efficient Small Gas Adsorption and Separation. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12 (6), 7548-7556.

[11] Yang, H.; Yue, H*; Zhao, X.; Song, M.; Guo, J. *; Cui, Y.; Fernández-Blázquez, J. P.; Wang, D.-Y., Polycarbonate/Sulfonamide Composites with Ultralow Contents of Halogen-Free Flame Retardant and Desirable Compatibility. Materials 2020, 13 (17), 3656.

[12] Li, L.; Deng, J.; Guo, J.*; Yue, H*, Synthesis and Properties of Microporous Organic Polymers Based on Adamantane. Progress in Chemistry 2020, 32, 190-203.

[13] He, M.*; Chen, M.; Dou, Y.; Ding, J.; Yue, H.; Yin, G.; Chen, X.; Cui, Y.*, Electrospun Silver Nanoparticles-Embedded Feather Keratin/Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Poly(ethylene oxide) Antibacterial Composite Nanofibers. Polymers 2020, 12 (2), 305.

[14] Yue, H.; Shuttleworth*, P.S. Chapter 12 bio-based switchable adhesives for carpet tiles. In Green chemistry for surface coatings, inks and adhesives: Sustainable applications, The Royal Society of Chemistry: 2019; pp 285-309.

[15] Yue*, H.; Rubalcaba, J.C.; Cui, Y.; Fernández-Blázquez, J.P.; Yang, C.; Shuttleworth*, P.S. Determination of cross-sectional area of natural plant fibres and fibre failure analysis by in situ sem observation during microtensile tests. Cellulose 2019, 26, 4693-4706.

[16] Guo, J.; Yu, L.; Yue, H*. Bulk fabrication of porous organic framework polymers on flexible nanofibers and their application for water purification. React. Funct. Polym. 2019, 135, 58-64.

[17] Yue, H.; Fernández-Blázquez*, J.P.; Vilatela, J.J.; Pérez, E. Morphology, thermal, and crystallization analysis of polylactic acid in the presence of carbon nanotube fibers with tunable fiber loadings through polymer infiltration. Polymer Crystallization 2019, 2, e10081.

[18] Yue, H.-B.; Guo, J.W.*; Fu, S.Q.; Li, X.; Wen, W.Q.; Jiang, W.Z.; Tong, R.; Haranczyk, M. Structural design, preparation and characterization of light, isotropic and robust statically determined organic frameworks as reusable adsorbents. Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, 335, 887-895.

[19] Yue, H.#; Reguero, V.#; Senokos, E.; Monreal-Bernal, A.; Mas, B.; Fernández-Blázquez, J. P.; Marcilla, R.; Vilatela, J. J. *, Fractal carbon nanotube fibers with mesoporous crystalline structure. Carbon 2017, 122, 47-53.

[20] Supanchaiyamat*, N.; Shuttleworth, P. S.; Sikhom, C.; Chaengkham, S.; Yue, H.-B.; Fernandez-Blazquez, J. P.; Budarin, V. L.; Hunt, A. J., Bio-based carbonaceous composite materials from epoxidised linseed oil, bio-derived curing agent and starch with controllable functionality. RSC Advances 2017, 7 (39), 24282-24290.



主要承担了《立博博彩》、《立博博彩》、《立博体育|亚洲最大博彩平台》、《立博体育|亚洲最大博彩平台》、《立博体育|亚洲最大博彩平台》、《Popularization of Chemical Engineering》等课程的理论和实践教学工作。








