Zhong, Y. H., Liang, X. L., He, Z. S., Tan W., Zhu, J. X., Yuan, P., He, H. P.*, The constraints of transition metal substitutions (Ti, Cr, Mn, Co and Ni) in magnetite on its catalytic activity in heterogeneous Fenton and UV/Fenton reaction: From the perspective of hydroxyl radical generation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2014, 150-151, 612-618.
Zhong, Y. H., Yu, L.*, Chen, Z. F., He, H. P. Ye, F., Cheng, G., Zhang, Q. X., Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Fe3O4 Nanocrystals with Predominantly Exposed Facets and Their Heterogeneous UVA/Fenton Catalytic Activity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2017, 9, 29203−29212.
Zhong, Y. H., Liang, X. L., Zhong, Y., Zhu, J. X., Zhu, S. Y., Yuan, P., He, H. P. *, Zhang, J., Heterogeneous UV/Fenton degradation of TBBPA catalyzed by titanomagnetite: Catalyst characterization, performance and degradation products. Water Research. 2012, 46 (15), 4633-4644.
Zhong, Y. H., Chen, Z. F.*, Liu, S. S., Dai, X. X., Zhu, X. P., Zheng, G. M., Liu, S. G., Liu, G. G., Cai, Z. W., Analysis of azole fungicides in fish muscle tissues: Multi-factor optimization and application to environmental samples. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 324, 535-543.
Zhong, Y. H., Liang, X. L., Tan W., Zhong, Y., He, H. P. *, Zhu, J. X., Yuan, P., Jiang, Z., A comparative study about the effects of isomorphous substitution of transition metals.Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical. 2013, 372, 29-34.
Zhong, Y. H., Chen, Z. F., Dai, X. X., Liu, S. S., Zheng, G. M., Zhu, X. P., Liu, S. G., Yin, Y., Liu, G.G., Cai, Z. W., Investigation of the interaction between the fate of antibiotics in aquafarms and their level in the environment, Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 207, 219-229.
Zhong, Y.H., Gu, Y.; Yu, L., Cheng, G., Yang, X.B., Sun, M., He, B.B., APTES-functionalized Fe3O4 microspheres supported Cu atom-clusters with superior catalytic activity towards 4-nitrophenol r立博博彩ction, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2018, 547, 28-36.
Zhong, Y. H., Liang, X. L., He, Z. S., Tan W., He, H. P. *, Zhu, R. L., Zhong, Y., Zhu, J. X., Yuan, P., Jiang, Z., The UV/Fenton degradation of Tetrabromobisphenol A catalyzed by nanocrystalline chromium substituted magnetite. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2014, 14, 7307-7314. (邀稿)
He, H. P. * (博士导师); Zhong, Y. H.; Liang, X. L.; Tan, W.; Zhu, J. X.; Wang, C. Y., Natural Magnetite: an efficient catalyst for the degradation of organic contaminant. Scientific reports, 2015, 19, 459-473.